Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Showers of Blessings

Dear Family & Friends,

        What a wonderful blessing to enter through Brazilian customs without any problems! Even my dozen box of Krispy Kreme donuts made it through alive without any questioning. It was quite comical hearing the security workers joke around as they saw my box of donuts go through on the conveyor belt.  Glad they weren't serious when they said they might have to taste test them; but, what a treat it surely was for my family!

              During the first week back in Brazil, I have been busy shopping around for furniture for my mini-apartment behind my brother's house. The Lord has already supplied me with a stove, cabinets, a sink, and a closet. After hearing about my need for a stove, Josineide, a woman from Redemption Baptist Church, told us about a stove that was on sale at her workplace last Saturday. Not only that, but she would also be able to purchase the stove with a further discounted price. How encouraging to hear not only the price, but to also see a woman from the church reaching out to me! Following us picking up the stove from her workplace, we were able to also make a little visit with her by seeing the bakery department where she works and having a Brazilian traditional coffee with her since it was close to 4:00 in the afternoon. As we were leaving, she had us make one last stop in a cute, little shop where she had my sister-in-law and I pick out something for her to get us. She told me it was my welcome back to Brazil gift! It truly humbled me to see a woman despite not knowing me showing love - a love that kept on giving.
Although I am still readjusting my brain back to Portuguese, it has been fun getting to know the people at Redemption Baptist Church. I was even asked to help participate in the evening service by playing and singing a couple songs. What a warm welcome they even gave me following the service! I am truly excited to see what God is going to continue doing at Redemption Baptist Church, as well as, what all He is going to teach me and use me for.



What can you be praying for? Well, this week, my sister-in-law Christen and I have been working on getting homeschooling material together and ready to teach their three children - Daniel, Hannah, and Jeremiah. Lord-willing, we will begin teaching by next Monday.
As far as shopping goes, I am still searching for a refrigerator, small table, and couch for my apartment. Pray that I be able to find those for great prices to finish getting settled into my apartment.
          During my reading today, I was reminded of the importance of knowing the answer to two questions - Who am I & Who is God? These questions went along with the story of when God met with Moses in the wilderness. God asked Moses to do a very important task - "Go to Pharaoh to bring My people out from Egypt." Moses' response was "Who Am I?" Although sometimes it is easy to judge Moses and put him down for his response, what a humble response it really was. Because in all essence, we are nothing. If God asks us to complete a task, it is not because of how great or talented we are because all we have is because of Him. In other words, "there is no way that we can define ourselves apart from God!"  That is why God's response to Him was "I WILL CERTAINLY BE WITH YOU!" Along with this promise, He gave Him many more. What a comfort to know that whatever God asks from us is because He will be completing the task through us for His complete glory! As far as who is God, the answer is in Exodus 3:14 - "I Am Who I Am!" In other words, there was no God before Him for He always existed thus He does not have to compare Himself to anyone or anything else.
           Thank you all again for your prayers, encouragement and support! The Lord has used you to be a blessing in my life. =)

Neat promises God gave His people in Exodus 6

VS. 6 - "I will bring you out"/ "I will rescue you from their bondage"/ "I will redeem you"
VS. 7 - "I will take you as my people"/ "I will be your God"
VS. 8 - "I will bring you into the land"/ "I will give it to you