Saturday, May 4, 2013

Short Term Missions Trip

“Being confident of this very thing that He which hath begun
 a good work in you will complete it until the
day of Jesus Christ!” Philippians 1:6

Dear Family & Friends,
At the age of six, I accepted Christ as my personal Savior and began having a desire for teaching
children. As I grew up on the mission field of Brazil, I was greatly influenced for ministry.
After graduating from Faith Baptist Bible College, God led me to Memphis, Tennessee, where I
have taught elementary, middle school, and high school for ten years at Central Baptist School.

Following my trip to Brazil to visit my family this past Christmas, God brought some family and
ministry opportunities to my attention: a part-time school teacher for my two nephews and niece,
and someone to help with music, women’s Bible studies, evangelism, and children/youth. After
much prayer and an invitation to come help, I have decided to go to Brazil this coming
August to help my brother James and his wife Christen and three children – Daniel, Hannah,
and Jeremiah – with their new church plant for the next two years.

Thankfully, my sending church, Central Baptist Church is committed to help! But I need your help as well with some living expenses, air fare, and ministry needs. Would you pray about giving a one-time gift or a monthly commitment towards my mission’s trip? “With God ALL
things are possible!”

Most importantly, would you pray for me to stay in close communion with God every day as I
prepare for the new ministry He has for me. I would be more than happy to send you a prayer
card so you can keep me before God.
Attached to my prayer letter is a form you can fill out and send to Baptist Mid-Missions or you
can go online at the following address if you want to give financially:

Blog address:
Facebook: Rachel Anne Taylor
Skype: raytay7
Cell: (901) 497-5663 until August

Confident in Christ,
Rachel Anne Taylor


James and Christen said...

We are so excited for you! The blog looks great and I am sure it will be a help in keeping in touch with your friends and family back in the states. Praying for you!

David and Sharon Taylor said...

Like the new look. Now let's watch and see how God will give you stories to fill up this blog. Praying for you as well!