Saturday, January 19, 2008

My daily devos...

One of my resolutions for the year of 2008 is to read through the Bible again and boy have I been reminded of so many things. I know I have heard the story of Joseph so many times, but never had I stopped to really think how horrible his brothers were to him; and yet, how well Joseph took it and how well God took care of Joseph. Many times when hard things happen to me, it is so much easier to just get angry or blame God for the situation. Joseph looked at the situation in his life through God's eyes and trusted Him through it all. All through Joseph's testing, he counted it joy and God greatly blessed Him for it. From this reading, I would really like to work on looking at every situation, whether good or not so good( in my eyes), as something from God or God is allowing for a purpose so I may become more like him and gain greater faith through it in the end.


James and Christen said...

Great goal and great advice. I need to try and see things like Joseph as well. I have been convicted this past week that every time I am angry at the circumstances of life, I am really angry at God who allowed them. Interesting to think about.

Thanks for blogging, it is nice to keep up with you a little more.

I miss you smile and your energy.

Love ya - Christen

Gretchen said...

"You meant it for evil, but God meant it for good" -- is an amazing principle of God's loving sovereignty over every aspect of our lives!

Good goal for the year!


David and Sharon Taylor said...

That's a good reminder sis. I believe we can all benefit from the life of Joseph. It's good to read what God is teaching you. Keep it coming!
