Monday, October 21, 2013

Children's Day

      Each year, on October 12th, Children's Day is celebrated in Brazil to honor children. In fact, it is said that Brasil was the first country to have this special day, and they have been celebrating this day since 1920. Thus, Redemption Baptist Church decided to do two different activities - one for the adolescent class and one for the younger children. 
      On Friday, October 11th, we took the adolescents out bowling. How exciting to see some of these kids bowl for the very first time in their life! It was a very big thing for them. If you have never tried bowling with pins on strings, then you are definitely in for a challenge. =) It is quite comical seeing the strings get all tied up sometimes. Following our fun time of bowling, we headed to a very popular hot dog place where they fill your hot dogs will all kind of stuff - corn, mayo, peas, little french fries, a special dressing, and so much more. Sorry I forgot to take a picture of these amazing, stuffed hot dogs. =)
       On Sunday, October 13th, following the morning service, a group of families with smaller children headed to a park to have a picnic and have a time of fellowship together. How wonderful to not only be able to fellowship as a church, but also see God bring two different strangers into our midst. One stranger was needing food and bus money. Not only were we able to feed him and give him some money, but one of our men was also able to share the gospel with him. After awhile, a man selling cotton candy came by and we were able to give him a piece of cake, as well as, a tract. While some of the ladies from our church were playing games with the kids, we had different kids from the park come over and ask to play the games as well. How exciting to not only be able to fellowship with our church, but also be able to share the love of Christ with others!

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