Saturday, September 27, 2014

I Will Glory In My Redeemer

Jeremiah 9:23, 24
 "Thus saith the Lord, Let not the wise man glory in his wisdom, neither let the mighty man glory in his might, let not the rich man glory in his riches:
But let him that glorieth glory in this, that he understandeth and knoweth me, that I am the Lord which exercise lovingkindness, judgment, and righteousness, in the earth: for in these things I delight, saith the Lord."

A few months ago in my devotions, I was reminded of the importance of "glorying in understanding and knowing God." It is so easy to get caught up in our abilities or responsibilites thinking how great we are or saying "look what I can do or check out how much I know!" Seeking Him can be put at the bottom of our lists of importance. But, oh how important, it is for each one of His children to seek to know Him in an intimate relationship. Through His death on the cross, He has made it possible for forgiveness of our sins and a daily, close walk with Him.  What does He expect from us today... 

Saturday Teen Meetings
Please pray for our teens that they may place God at the center of their lives and seek Him wholeheartedly. 
Ricardo, Rafael, Karine, Carem, and Alex
Leaders: Sandro & Gilmara - Pray for their leaders to continue knowing Him so they can minister to these teens. Pray also for Sandro's health as he is still recovering from having a tumor removed from his brain. 

What a joy to develop a closer friendship with Karine (far right) and Carem (middle)! Please pray for Karine as her parents are both unsaved and has daily struggles at home with them.
Please pray that God renew a desire in Carem's heart for His Word and knowing Him each day, as well as, being with church family on Sundays and Wednesdays. 
It was encouraging to hear them share what they are both learning in their devotions. 
I would encourage everyone to invite people in your home for it is the BEST way to get to know them and be encouraged together. 

Although in Brasil, I still decided in homeschooling to celebrate Johnny Appleseed Day! Thank the Lord for internet and free homeschooling resources, I was able to celebrate this fun day and learn about someone new with my nephews and niece. I am very excited with how far they all have come. Jer (far right corner) is reading SO well! His writing has also improved and is quite a good speller. He absolutely loves math and flies through answering flashcards. 
Hannah is quite creative and artistic. Her multiplication and divisin skills in math have improved. 
Daniel is able to do most of his work on his own. He has a love for history and usually does his best on whatever he works on. 

During the month of September, I have been teaching the children's church class on Sunday nights.  Most Sunday nights, I have had ten children. Please pray as most of these children are unsaved. I thank God for Julia (left corner picture) who is helping me in class. Julia is in our adolescent class and is one of the newest members. Continue praying for Karine and I as we rotate teaching in here.
This Sunday night, I will be teaching about the parable of the sower and four different types of soil representing four different types of hearts. Please pray I can present this lesson clearly and that the Holy Spirit convict these little hearts of sin and their great need for a Savior!

I thank God for the blessings He gives me even so much as this fun cup of coffee.
I also thank God for you all who make it possible for me to be in Brasil on this missions trip.
I pray you all may continue seeking and thirsting after Him for in so doing we begin to understand and know better who our dearly, beloved Savior really is such as in the following passage:
(Hebrews 7:22-28)
- Our great High Priest Forever and Unchangeable, Holy and Harmless, Undefiled and Separate from sinners who always lives to make intercession for us.
- Our great High Priest who does not have to offer up sacrifices for His sin for He is perfect and neither for ours for this He did once for all when He offered up Himself.
-Our great High Priest is not weak  for He has been perfected by going to the cross!

Pray I continue to not only seek after Him, but to meditate on His Word day and night making it a part of the way I live my life - not for me, but for Him. Pray I may daily crucify my flesh and live by faith for Him who gave Himself for me. Lastly, pray God give me complete wisdom and discernment in knowing what to do after my two-years missions trip is up in the summer of 2015. God has confirmed my love and gift in teaching, but now pray He confirms where He wants me to serve.

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