Saturday, October 25, 2014

Be ready to give an answer...

"But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear." I Peter 3.15

During our September women's meeting, Christen stressed the importance of being ready to share our personal testimony with anyone we share the gospel with. Along with that, she shared her testimony and taught the ladies how important it is to include the gospel in your salvation testimonies. What a joy and delight it was to hear many of these ladies' testimonies at the end of our meeting!
Please pray that we ladies become "Women After God's Own Heart"as we are studying this book by Eliabeth George during our Wednesday night separate Bible study time. It has been encouraging to hear several different ladies lead the group and share what she is personally learning and needing to apply in her life. Last night, our focus was on developing a serious prayer life and the blessings of this in one's life.

Talking about prayer, I would like to share an answered prayer of mine. During my last Sunday night  in September to teach children's church, I spoke on the Parable of the Sower. Before teaching, I asked the children to think about what kind of heart they have. Well, as I began teaching, I demonstrated the different types of soil and what heart they each respresented. After I would finish talking about one, one boy, Isaque, would say out loud, "That's me. I have a hard heart." I would go on and again he would reply, "That's me, teacher." As I came to the last heart of one who truly believes and bears fruit, he admitted, "Teacher, I am not saved." I was completely in awe and in shock of this boy's complete honesty. I went ahead and shared the gospel with him and asked if He would like to receive Christ as His Savior. He said he would rather talk to his parents first. Although he did not make a decision, I am praising God that the seed was not only planted, but Isaque admitted what kind of heart he has and that he is not saved. Please pray for Isaque that he will SOON make this decision and grow in Christ! Thank you for praying already!

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